Fiona has somehow found a way to bridge a gap between the masses at The Grove and The Millennial Skateboard Culture that the northern end of Fairfax packs in. Right off Beverly… that perfect Midway between the two, is where Fiona sits.
If you arrive to Fiona in the early morning hours, you will enjoy a surprisingly tranquil vibe on the street that’s vastly different from its afternoon hustle. However, anytime you arrive to Fiona will be the best time to enjoy their multi-grain porridge pancakes, a pastry or even a crisped baguette with house made jam.
After 11am, Fiona offers sandwiches and salads that are anything but ordinary. It’s rare you’ll find a place in LA with fantastic bread, and Fiona ranks at the top. One of the best parts of Fiona is its super casual euro chic vibe.
It’s a perfect place to gather your favorite peeps with peepsqueaks after a playdate, or an even more perfect spot to share a tea, coffee and pastry with your little when you feel like getting out of the house.
In the evening hours, Fiona changes to table service while offering hardier foods such as hanger steak or cod. No worries if you have a fussy eater, all day long Fiona’s menu is the Chicken Noodle Miso soup. It’s simply delicious. Whether you get to Fiona in the early hours or after lunch, whatever you do, don’t skip the pie.
(First timer? Scroll down to check out the rating system below.)
West Hollywood
A pastry, loaf of bread, Multi-grain pancake
Domestic Imports, Artsy
Easily Forgiven
Plummer Park, The Grove
Website: fionabakeryla.com
Phone: (323) 852-3210
The Spotted Cloth
Rating System:
It’s our goal to make exploring LA either with the kids or with grown ups as easy as possible. Click through the tabs above to check out our rating system.

For those with little
runners & screamers:
Easily forgiven:
Here, you can forget the fact that it’s your rambunctious child that’s screaming and STILL enjoy most of your meal.
Not promoted, but you should take the chance:
If your toddler is at the stage when an iPad or some other colorful distraction can be used for an un-interrupted 20 minutes, then go for it.
Uh-uh, NO WAY, don’t even think about it!:
I don’t care how cute your toddler is. Pop your head in… turn around… walk away. PERIOD.
No contained area:
A place you cannot leave your toddler alone, not even for a second.
Enclosed, but space is tight:
If YOU can’t fit between the tables then you know you couldn’t catch your toddler if they tried – this isn’t Norm’s.
Click through the map below to find delicious places to eat and fun places to play nearby. (It’s completely clickable – go nuts!)
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