Eight years ago I came to LA with no idea where the best places were to EAT – let alone hang or shop.
I wasn’t looking for your mainstream, run of the mill, Beverly Hills type places (which I love too, don’t get me wrong), but the tucked away little sneaks that the cool cats would flock to. This is what I yearned to find.
Still living in Chicago, I knew virtually no one in this town. So I set out on a mission to discover LA through food.
Up to this point, food, travel and design encompassed my life. My longtime love, of 18 years, Jerry and I own restaurants in Chicago and have traveled around the world for inspiration; eating and idealizing concepts for projects as we go. . .
So I did my own research, talked to a lot of people on the streets, at hotels, in stores and at new restaurants. I read food reviews and magazines. Every time I set out on a mission to eat, I would explore the neighborhood around. It was the most colorful and wildly fantastic journey.
As timing in our life would have it, Jerry and I made LA our permanent residence and started combing the streets to see what we could discover.
Our lifestyle transitioned again with the birth of our daughter Capri. Just as I once discovered LA eight years ago; I would learn to re-discover it again, through a different lense.
Seeing the world through Capri’s eyes has lit the wanderlust in my soul…and thus, The Spotted Cloth was BORN.

Becoming a parent doesn’t have to mean becoming boring.
I’ve been logging our journey with Capri since I brought her out of the house for the first time at two months old, beginning with her first brunch at Cecconi’s.
The Spotted Cloth chronicles the life and adventures of my foodie family in LA and at the same time curates a day for you to enjoy with yours.
I’ve included toddler ratings and social scene ratings with all of the places I write about so that you can choose a good fit for you.
I hope to encourage everyone to plan a unique adventure for your family, step outside of the box, stay curious and try something new!
The Spotted Cloth is not only a stylish parent’s rolodex to LA, but a compilation of our colorful adventures.
Please enjoy.
– Marisa
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