Lakeshore Learning might have been designed for teachers in particular, but the store itself IS open to the public and everyone is encouraged to stop in.
Kids of all ages will have a blast at Lakeshore. Every turn is colorful and interesting. The shelves are filled with gizmos, gadgets, games and toys that will not only fuel your imagination, but ignite the flame of curiosity.
Lakeshore does leave toys out for the young ones to play with while you peruse the aisles all around. These toys are bound to keep the feistiest of tots interested. But if that doesn’t work, Lakeshore also offers free crafts for Kids every Saturday and Sunday from 11am-3pm!
Yass… why not use Lakeshore as an indoor playground on those hot summer LA days? You will be overstimulated instantly and wonder why you didn’t think of THAT idea yourself. You might also find yourself saying ” I could make that”, which is what Lakeshore Learning Store is all about.
Lakeshore Learning Store really makes teaching and learning accessible and FUN for the family. It encourages you to think outside of your box, get the kids motivated to learn and create interesting games that you and your favorite peepsqueaks will enjoy playing home.
(First timer? Scroll down to check out the rating system below.)
Century City Area *(please note the move FROM Culver City)
Mindful Toys, A free craft class
Domestic Imports, Multicultural
Easily Forgiven
Loqui, Daiso
Website: lakeshorelearning.com
Phone: (800) 428-4414
The Spotted Cloth
Rating System:
It’s our goal to make exploring LA either with the kids or with grown ups as easy as possible. Click through the tabs above to check out our rating system.

For those with little
runners & screamers:
Easily forgiven:
Here, you can forget the fact that it’s your rambunctious child that’s screaming and STILL enjoy most of your meal.
Not promoted, but you should take the chance:
If your toddler is at the stage when an iPad or some other colorful distraction can be used for an un-interrupted 20 minutes, then go for it.
Uh-uh, NO WAY, don’t even think about it!:
I don’t care how cute your toddler is. Pop your head in… turn around… walk away. PERIOD.
No contained area:
A place you cannot leave your toddler alone, not even for a second.
Enclosed, but space is tight:
If YOU can’t fit between the tables then you know you couldn’t catch your toddler if they tried – this isn’t Norm’s.
Click through the map below to find delicious places to eat and fun places to play nearby. (It’s completely clickable – go nuts!)
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