Photos of chocolate credit to @edelweisschocolates

There is something nostalgic about walking into Edelweiss Chocolates. Edelweiss has not only been a Beverly Hills Tradition since 1942, but this chocolate shop has been a staple amongst the most Iconic Hollywood elite. From Frank Sinatra to Katherine Hepburn, Lauren Bacall to Lucille Ball… Edelweiss has served them all!
Edelweiss is one of the few confectionaries in the U.S that still processes their chocolate by hand! And you can taste the love in each bite.
The smell of chocolate upon entering Edelweiss lures you right in. You think for a moment you want to empty the coins from your pocket like you did when you were a kid, to make sure you had enough money for candy.
Then the warmest, friendliest, most patient been-there-forever family and staff causes you to stay there longer than you anticipated.
Before you know it, you are sending chocolates to your closest friends, your mom and your in-laws just because. Wait… where are the kids?
So many favorites to choose from , but if you can treat yourself to only one (but really, who can!?)… don’t leave without trying Madonna’s favorite, the dark chocolate covered marshmallow. Let that chocolate just melt in your mouth as you take a journey down memory lane.
(First timer? Scroll down to check out the rating system below.)
Beverly Hills
Dark chocolate covered marshmallows
Well-Cultured, Multicultural
Easily forgiven, enclosed, but space is tight
La Scala, The Annenburg, Beverly Hills library
Website: edelweisschocolates.com
Phone: 310-275-0341
The Spotted Cloth
Rating System:
It’s our goal to make exploring LA either with the kids or with grown ups as easy as possible. Click through the tabs above to check out our rating system.

For those with little
runners & screamers:
Easily forgiven:
Here, you can forget the fact that it’s your rambunctious child that’s screaming and STILL enjoy most of your meal.
Not promoted, but you should take the chance:
If your toddler is at the stage when an iPad or some other colorful distraction can be used for an un-interrupted 20 minutes, then go for it.
Uh-uh, NO WAY, don’t even think about it!:
I don’t care how cute your toddler is. Pop your head in… turn around… walk away. PERIOD.
No contained area:
A place you cannot leave your toddler alone, not even for a second.
Enclosed, but space is tight:
If YOU can’t fit between the tables then you know you couldn’t catch your toddler if they tried – this isn’t Norm’s.
Click through the map below to find delicious places to eat and fun places to play nearby. (It’s completely clickable – go nuts!)
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